Funding from The London Mayor’s, Grow Back Greener Fund and Brent Together towards Zero fund has enabled LEAP to build on our successful model of Wild in Brent. Partnering with Harlesden Primary School and Fryent Primary School for Wilder in Brent, our team continues to deliver programmes to children who have the least access to green space; to transform areas of their schools’ grounds into greener more biodiverse environments.

Project Aims:

  • Increase access and engagement to nature and green space.

  • Enhance climate resilience.

  • Build green skills and knowledge.

  • Boost wellbeing and personal development

  • Strengthen community connections.

harlesden primary school

How we do this 

Green Infrastructure

LEAP has worked alongside our school partners, designer and contractors at Harlesden and Fryent primary to repurpose areas in the schools’ grounds. Green infrastructure has been installed that makes growing possible, boosting biodiversity and also making a positive impact on the school environment.

Harlesden School Project March 2023 onwards

“The work that has been completed to date has changed the whole outlook of the central play area.”

— Harlesden School Staff Member

Enhancing the School Environment

Our green interventions have had a positive impact on the schools as a whole bringing people together, enhancing communication within the school communities. The planting areas have become focal point to observe what’s growing and socialise.

Programme of Workshops

LEAP workshop leaders facilitate regular garden workshops supported by teachers, that involve the children throughout the process of creating their garden areas. They sow wildflower and vegetable seeds, plant for pollinators with a focus on boosting biodiversity and growing their own vegetables. The majority of children on the project do not have gardens themselves and have not had the experience of gardening or growing.

Boosting Climate Resilience

Both schools are situated within areas of high climate risk highlighted in the London Climate Risk Map. This means that they have less resilience to the effects of climate change such as droughts flooding and air pollution. Our intervention’s such as creating a drought resistant pebble garden, sowing wildflower meadows to boost biodiversity, not using pesticides or fertilizers, promoting techniques such as companion planting and non harmful methods of deterring predators, well as providing waterbutts to down pipes to make use of rainwater all contribute to boosting the climate resilience.

Boosting Health and Wellbeing

Throughout our workshops our delivery teams observe both the personal and social development of the children involved. The children also acknowledge this through their feedback below.

Creative Activities

Creative activities are a powerful and enjoyable way to impart knowledge about natures processes.

“I was surprised that when you smashed flower a dye came out of it.”

Wider Community

Wilder in Brent has connected with Harlesden Town Garden and Roe Green Walled Garden who have hosted our groups, their parents and school staff. This gives an opportunity for our groups to take inspiration and make connections with local green initiatives.

Mid-summer Celebration Events

Our summer celebration events are coming up at the end of June where the children will show off their achievements to the school and local community.


Animation – Brent Gets Wilder